Archive for the ‘Pictures’ Category

Chai at Starbucks

October 20, 2010

I have this friend who says that drinking a Chai Tea at Starbucks is like ordering a Happy meal at Burger King… But it’s so damn good!

I am here, in this demented town, full of strangers and crowded as hell. This is one of those times of the year, when I just want to stay at home and forget about the world outside. I hate the FIC .

I am a bit stressed. I’m meeting the boyfriend tonight, and as far as I know, something really bad happened, either with us or him alone, and he wants to talk. That scares me. I think this is the most in love I’ve been in my life, he’s been my most adequate partner and so far I’ve felt so fitted for him, that just the mere thought of him wanting to break up, gives me the skeevies…  I hope it’s something else.

School is good, I’m trying not to take everything so seriously, I needed to relax, and change my pace, everything seems to be working right now, My business is also starting to spread. I already have about 4  projects, that includes designing a book cover. I am truly happy. I just hope everything goes as it’s been going.  My horoscope says it will, but you know.

This week I took part of this Collective, and I will continue to, so check it out constantly, pretty please.

I’m leaving, I’m going home, to cook dinner, and wait for the best. Really, I’m scared.


Good things happen in life

October 16, 2010

The picture above has literally nothing to do with this entry, it is just a school assignment I just happened to love and wanted to share, I hope you like it as much as I do. It’s a collage, I just scanned it :).

I hate to get all hocus pocus in here, but I HAVE to say it:

It’s so amazing when you set your mind into something, when you decide you WILL accomplish something, and then let it go, so sure and confident that it will happen, and then, oh my gosh, it does.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to stop messing around and start actively working on everything I needed to *finally* start running my own business. I decided that by my next birthday, (not this year, but 2011) I’d have accomplished a specific goal I set for myself in this area. Well, today I got to talk to a very dear friend I had not seen in almost 2 years.

We just spent about 3 hours talking, and pretty much as we’re saying goodbye, he says ‘Oh, hey! I have this business proposal you might be interested in’ And guess what? I am…

I am so happy. I just have to share. Manifest, people, manifest. I have so much to do, and it’s so so late.

Good night.

I am in Love (and a bit of Red Shoes Diaries)…

October 9, 2010


Red Shoes Diaries



I sometimes forget to acknowledge it, but I am, blissfully, dazzling, ecstatically in love! My boyfriend is the most fantastic boy I’ve ever been with.

Lately I’ve been a bit emotionally troubled. I got my hands on a copy of Red Shoes Diaries (the movie, not the soft-porn series, I’ll come back to talk about it in the near future) and got even more depressed. It’s been hard. But Last night I got to talk with the boy, and I’m feeling a lot better right now. I sometimes find it a bit hard to react to situations as it’s been years since the last time I was in a deep committed relationship. Sometimes it’s just still plain scary. But I love him, a lot… I sometimes can’t believe we were friends for such a long time without noticing we could be so happy together…


Holy over-exposure, Batman!


Also, this week:

+ I re-watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show,  just because even though my boyfriend hates musicals, last week I sounded so excited about it, he was curious. I love him

+ I started working on a video project, I’ve done some interviewing, and yadda yadda.

+ I got my belly button pierced. I’m big into body mods, I already had 10 tattoos and 4 piercings, I’d been thinking about getting this one for a couple of months but chickened out, until now. It came right after one full year since my last tattoo.

+ I watched Resident Evil 4. Mila…

I feel like I’m finally getting over my depression. I don’t know what got me into it to begin with, all I know is that I suddenly felt like going downhill, and I was really scared, but everything seems to be going better right now I still have some issues to solve, but still.

I’ve been thinking a lot, and I shall post again really soon.

Ponicorn Speaks!

September 24, 2010

Hello there my darlings! As you may have noticed [] has changed a bit.

On my last post I told you I was about to operate a few changes on my blog, a change of direction, a change of topics, and just a change in general. This is it. It looks a bit more blue and it features a drawing I did of myself (Yes, I look like that, that is my haircut and all), I’m loving it! What do you guys think?

It’s not like I don’t want to let sequins into my life anymore, I still do, I still need this place to remind myself to stay positive, but all that ‘Letting sequins into my life’ was a big part in a change I needed to effectuate, and I did, I do every day, but I find myself needing more right now. I need to talk a bit more of the things I’m interested, my thoughts, what I read and watch, and I don’t want to bore everyone around me talking about the things that obsess me over and over again.

So I’m going to share it here, I hope you like it.

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, but I really started to consider it after I wrote that When I grow up entry, I suddenly found myself thinking ‘You’re looking for a chance to express yourself and talk about the things you want to talk, but you already have it, it’s there, right in front of you and you just have to use it!’ So, here it is: [] is not changing, it’s just evolving.

That’s all my darlings, let me know what you think of all of this and stay around cause I’ll be speaking here very soon… And I do speak a lot.

Things I experienced this weekend

September 19, 2010

These last weeks have been hell: I have lots of homework, lots of things to do, exams, work, work, work, plans, plans, plans. And during all this time, I’ve learned and experienced a bit. Sharing time!

The picture above pretty much summarizes my week, in a very weird way, but still. It’s very  uncommon that I suddenly decide to share pictures of my real life and myself over the internet, so, just enjoy my lack of make up, my cat, my homework, my art projects, and my boyfriend’s ever lovely tattooed back.

Colorful skulls are fantastic! They take a hell lot of time to create (in my case from zero to the pictures you see up here it took about 3 weeks, Paper Machê, baby). Yes, they have tiny blue hearts on the sides, don’t judge me. 🙂

I can get extremely productive while listening to someone else speak. In this case it was Gala Darling‘s 10 (yes, all of them) Chapters of Love and Sequins, God how amazing they are!

I can’t cook at my mom’s kitchen. I think I’ve said something about it before, but still, I thought It might have been just my imagination, but no, no. I cook for myself, each and every single week at home, but whenever I am at my mom’s house, even though I buy the same ingredients, same brands, same everything, my meals taste funny, weird, too spicy, not spicy enough, sour, bitter, you name it. *sigh*

Vinci paint is not acrylic paint as I always thought it to be. Sad story behind my discovery, but still, I managed to succeed.

Cuitzilart‘s brother may be taking a class with me, which is funny cause I had never even met him, (even though he’s someone I actually kind of look up to) and the only one time we actually may have had the chance to meet I left a bit earlier and didn’t know he was going.

I sometimes need reminders as to why I do certain things and why I must behave in certain particular ways, it’s ok. I’m still human. I just need to redirect my focus.

I love my mom, really. It’s weird, really weird for me to say it here, since I know she may never read it, but still, I love you mom.

This week it’ll be a year since my boyfriend and I started dating. It’s been years (literally) since the last time I had an anniversary with anyone, and my relationship with the boy is not really like any I’ve had before (not even the previous time we dated) so, I’m a bit stressed over what to do. Should we celebrate? Should we not? Should I do something special? And if so, what? Should I give him something? How intricate our relationship can be! I’ll just let it flow and see what happens, I’m really excited. I can’t even remember being this in love with someone before.

I’m tired, I want to just curl up in bed, but as you can see on the picture above, my arms are covered in paint, so I also feel de desperate need to take a shower. I’ve been thinking about this website a lot in the last few weeks, I’ve actually had time to update but hadn’t really felt like doing so, Why? I don’t think I’m happy with the direction this blog has been taking over the past few months, I think that path doesn’t strike my fancy anymore and I think I’ll be changing the way things work very soon, I just wanted to let you know.

I guess I’ve let sequins into my life long enough to want something a bit different. We’ll see. You’ll see actually, but trust me, it’ll be good.