About me

Just as you, I’ve seen the real Kourai Aminoacido.

image.jpg picture by azuldelunaHey there! My name is Elizabeth, but my online persona is Tomie Kourai Aminoacido. Let me tell you a little bit about me:
I’ve been breathing an air that pollutes my lungs for quite a few years now. I’m a sociopath according to my psychologist, neurotic according to those tests online, and plain naive if you ask around. I enjoy a variety of things in life, I have my own convictions and opinions, and I hate to be copied, but I’m easily flattered. I don’t know much about everything in life but I do know much about the small part of that whole everything I’ve lived. I can tell you that none is as mysterious as they’re trying to portray themselves. I am in love, as someone helped me regain trust in the feeling. I believe in a lot of things, one of the main ones is me. and I tend to be so realistic that my eyes sometimes hurt when i look at the world. I’ve been sleeping during most of my life. I’m happy.

Featured: El Espejismo, RadioPixel, East Coast INK Magazine.

The Facts

25 yrs old, November 11th, Mexican, Open mind, Scorpio, INTJ, Wood Ox, Fine Arts student, Nobrow and nonpartisan, I randomly smoke, I randomly drink, and I don’t do drugs, I’m in a happy relationship, I’m a certified English Teacher. 灰.

Les Faves and Habits.

I love cats (purr) I like dogs (woof) I own a baby Chihuahua named Puppy. Yes, I know it’s not really original
I read. A lot, so don’t even get me started. Lately I enjoy Junji Ito.
I eat candies, among other things, but when it comes to fruits I only eat apples.
I like grey (and I spell words using British spelling most of the times) as well as pink, black and blue. Sometimes even red.
I watch a lot of movies. My last favorite ones are Suicide Club (Circle)
I’m obsessed over Serial Killers. I read biographies, watch documentaries and movies.
I’m a huge Shiina Ringo fan. I enjoy her more than anyone else. I also like Bright Eyes, Amanda Palmer, and more, a lot more. I live listening to music.
I watch TV, mainly cartoons, Phineas and Ferb are an addiction, I am a Disney Hardcore fan. Miley, Selena, Brenda and Demi are my girls, Don’t mess with them or I will.. not do anything at all. 😛 I can laugh too.
Speaking of Disney, my favorite movies are The little Mermaid and Hercules. I love both of them mainly because of their songs.
I paint and sketch. Constantly. Everywhere.
Everyone calls me Kourai in real life. Even my mom, so if you ever see me on the street feel free to do so, Elizabeth is long forgotten.
If I ever get the chance I’ll change my name to Tomie Kourai Aminoacido.
I spend most of my online time on Twitter, Facebook and SuicideGirls.

2 Responses to “About me”

  1. ReadersHeaven Says:

    Hi, nice to meet you !

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