Archive for May, 2010

How ok…?

May 29, 2010

How ok are you at the thought of your family reading your websites or blogs?

Oh, families!

I know most of my readers actually have blogs, webzines, online portfolios, etc. So I was wondering: How ok are with the idea of your family searching through all of this? I am asking you this because I think my mom may be reading this website, and I am a bit unsure about how should I feel.

Thinking about my mother coming here reading what I write, even though it’s all mega positive, gives me the skeevies. I don’t know, I’m just not comfortable with the idea. And I guess, this is my way of asking her not to do it, without actually having to go tell her, in case she’s actually doing it.

This is not the most private place I own, there’s actually another one that I call ‘The venting blog’ in which I post quite often about more mundane things but is also restricted to only 6 specific visitors, as you know I try to keep this place as positive and optimistic as possible. But still, it is indeed a place in which I often open my heart, I talk about things I don’t mind sharing, like the things I love, how happy I am with my friends, or my boyfriend, but that is just the deal: I feel comfortable about talking about this things in general, but I am not sure about how comfortable I feel about sharing some of this with my family. Specially when it comes to my personal relationships.

In real life I tend to be a pretty private person, and even though I am an adult, I keep a lot to myself, specially when it comes to my family. My mom, tends to over think everything and she starts immediately tying irrational knots, and personally I hate to answer unnecessary and insane questions, so, I prefer not to talk about my relationships unless I feel extra-confident with them and specially when I feel I can handle the questions that will follow. I right now feel extra-comfortable with my boyfriend, but still, I don’t feel ready to deal with all the things that will come out when I decide to tell my mom I am dating someone.

I don’t know, I guess I just feel I have the right to decide when to inform my family about my decisions and stuff, also, I’ve always said there are some things that our parents (EVERYONE’s parents) should never know about their kids, some things are just private and should remain like that, that’s cool, then again it’s all about what we feel comfortable sharing and whom we feel comfortable sharing it with. Anyway.

I think this is more of a monologue, but still I ask you: How comfortable do you feel about your family checking on your online activities? How about googling you either with your name or nickname? I mean, I know online blogs aren’t really private, but still, how private and personal can you consider your blog? Is it still something sort of ‘private’ even though it is a public forum (like this)? I consider it to be, and I don’t mean it, to an extent in which I can decide who will read it or not, but still, when it comes to family, I think there are limits that one would expect, would be respected, but when they’re not, how do you deal with it?

I remember a few years ago, Gelial once told me (not directly but still) that Freedom of speech was nothing but a sweet utopia, and even though he meant something different, I wonder how do you handle your Freedom of speech on situations like this? Is this something that could actually prevent you from speaking your mind, when after all, it becomes evident that you’re never really anonymous? I am unsure whether I should cringe or swoon at the complexity of our modernity.

Honestly, I can’t conceive the idea of a family getting together for dinner while discussing their online privacy etiquette. How avant-garde would that be! It gives me a lot to think about.

Give me your thoughts, ponies.

The Love List

May 22, 2010

...but aren't we all?

I’m starting to notice I’ve been a bit blue and being the (sometimes) a bit depressive person I am, I’ve been holding hard to that sad feeling for quite a while. So I decided I would make a love list (Remember a few months ago I wrote on beating sadness and everything in between?).

So here you have a small expanded list with some things I love right now.

  • Strawberry Smoothies. Even when they’re too much for me to drink, I love them. Even though I don’t even like strawberries, I love them. Even though I wake up late at night too thirsty to care for the already warm smoothie sitting on my bed table, I drink it and I love it.
  • Dresses. Dresses are the ultimate most awesome thing to wear on summer. I can’t even feel my legs when wearing pants anymore, dresses and skirts are al about me.

  • Discovering two of my favorite people are friends. I’ve had people I love meeting before, but this was so unexpected judging how much this two lovely girls have in common. Oh and just so you know, those two are my friend Lizbeth and my best friend Arekune.
  • Quietly working on I think my portfolio will finally come to life very soon, very, very soon.
  • Kittens. For real. I’ve been talking about kittens so much for the last 3 days, but still,  I really love them. This week I got to share a bit of time with my boyfriend’s kitties and boy, they were amazing, one of them even asked me to pick it up in my arms.

  • Tattooed girls. I feel so proud when I see a tattooed girl, cause to me it means that they are defeating standards, and that is something worth being admired.
  • Watching horror movies without being scared for the first time in my life. Seriously. I’ve always been scared of this things in my life, but can’t help but watching them. This week I watched two of them, and I didn’t feel terrified or anything. That’s always good.
  • The perspective of buying a new Wacom Tablet. I had one a year ago, and I loved it to pieces, but somehow (don’t even ask me) I ended up losing it. I miss it so much, I’ve been waiting to get another one to replace the previous so I can finish some details of my portfolio and perhaps this week it’ll finally come to me.
  • Growing my nails. I’ve always been a short nailed person (no pun intended) so a few weeks ago I decided to give long nails one more chance, mainly because  I find them incredibly sexy. Right now I’m missing two of them, but I decided to keep the rest and allow some time for these two to grow back. They feel weird, but I love tapping with them.

  • Long conversations on Dinosaurs. Period. I learned a lot.
  • The boyfriend. I can’t stop amazing myself noticing how many things we have in common, even though we may look as two completely different and even a bit of opposite kind of people. I adore how fulfilling and richer he makes my life, and how much I am learning thanks to him. I feel so blissfully in love.

Now, just to balance it all, something that doesn’t make me happy in any way.

  • Not being able to cook on Pet society cause the feature is unavailable. That, I swear, Sucks very much.

I want to…

May 8, 2010

Yey for mornings in small beds...

+ I want to draw paws on your palms, and playfully kiss you over and over doing that odd sound we both love. You know.

+ I want to watch old school anime with you, just cause I know you’ve never seen it before and you’ll love it.

+ I want to build a fort out of sheets and chairs and sleep on it with you holding my hand

+ I want to take pictures of us together and document a day. I don’t have a single pic of us, but i have tons of you sleeping.

+ I want you to read me at night, to tell me your stories, to tell me more your 1, 2, 3 anecdotes. I love them.

+ I want to ask you questions and questions on ‘what’s the position of such and such over that and that?’ and I want to hear you elaborate, carefully explain and theorize.

+ I want to find out why you hate musicals so much. I want to call you ‘boyfriend’ as much as possible for as long as possible…

+ I want to take nightly walks with you, and show you around and hold your hands. I want to cook with you very, very late at night. I want to kiss you while the water  boils.

+ I want to look all racoon-ish next to you and watch you transform your hair with just a hair-band.

Gosh! How did you entered my life  in such a way? How did you spend that night listening to me talking nonsense about The little Mermaid? How did you manage to come this far and give me just what I was needing for in a relationship but was too coward to actually ask  for?

I think I love you, and I wasn’t looking forward to love anyone when I started…
I love you… I do…

What everyone’s looking for here.

May 2, 2010

I was checking the Stats for my blog and I came across the terms people search for when they bump into this thing and decided to share, so here you have the Top 10 Search Terms to reach [].

Apparently you're looking for hats

Apparently you're looking for hats

  1. Phineas and Ferb
  2. Gala Darling
  3. Love Sentences
  4. Twilight Humor
  5. Jason Mraz Hat
  6. Dear Life
  7. Celebrities in Hats
  8. Marie Antoinette Hat
  9. Perry the Platypus
  10. Secret Agent Hat

Yup, as hard to believe as it is, people who get here aren’t actually looking to find out about me, but about celebrity hats, Phineas and Ferb, Twilight and Gala Darling. Ain’t it funny how 50% of those search terms relate only to my ‘Mad hatter‘ journal entry about 6 months ago? Anyway, I must say that I find so endearing how Perry the platypus has popularized the term ‘Secret Agent hat’.

So, I guess this is the post where I give you exactly what you’re looking for: Hats.

PS: Just so you know, the name of the ‘Secret Agent Hat’ is Fedora. 🙂 Yey, I know my way around hats: I actually own a good share and make hats with veils for fun.

Hope you enjoyed it.