Archive for September, 2010

Mr. Jones

September 26, 2010

Last night I watched this movie named ‘The Joneses’ featuring the ever gorgeous Demi Moore and David Duchovney (Which reminded me I have to look for the movie Red Shoes Diaries) there, they played this really weird family reprising the roles of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, not the best movie really, but not as mindless as I was expecting it to be; I actually loved how they play with the idea of ‘Keeping up with the Joneses‘ an american saying meaning ‘to keep doing or even just appear to be doing as well as your neighbors, economically speaking’ (Ace marketing, ace) as the poster says, it is quite a sharp criticism to the consumerist society; anyway, suddenly I was the in the movie theatre and I found myself remembering my very own Mr. Jones.

A few years ago my friend Charlotte introduced me to this really nice guy whom I liked to call Mr. Jones, he was big into music and big into movies, big enough to put me into shame and make me feel uneducated *in a very polite manner* from time to time, still he’d seen a lot of movies I’d seen and could talk about a lot of my music, his favorite movie was Audition by Miike Takashi, a Movie I’ve never dare to watch entirely, but still own and usually quoted ‘First day of my life’ a song by Bright Eyes that *literally* has the power to bring me to tears. I don’t even remember his name, I think I actually just called him by that the very first times we met. I eventually found out he was crazy over Mr. Jones – Counting Crows and I ended up calling him that.

I don’t really know what happened to him, he was involved in some pretty heavy stuff and was one of those squirrelly guys who never let anything too personal out, we eventually drifted apart, last time I checked he was unhappily married and all that. No kids luckily. Anyway.

Today I woke up with the urge to listen to this song. I’m going to leave it here just to share, I hope you like it.

I was down at the New Amsterdam
staring at this yellow-haired girl
Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation
with this black-haired flamenco dancer
She dances while his father plays guitar
She’s suddenly beautiful
We all want something beautiful
I wish I was beautiful
So come dance this silence down through the morning
Cut Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances
Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones
Believe in me
Help me believe in anything
I want to be someone who believes

Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales
Stare at the beautiful women
“She’s looking at you. Ah, no, no, she’s looking at me.”
Smiling in the bright lights
Coming through in stereo
When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely

I will paint my picture
Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray
All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful
Grey is my favorite color
I felt so symbolic yesterday
If I knew Picasso
I would buy myself a gray guitar and play

Mr. Jones and me look into the future
Stare at the beautiful women
“She’s looking at you.
Uh, I don’t think so. She’s looking at me.”
Standing in the spotlight
I bought myself a gray guitar
When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely

I want to be a lion
Everybody wants to pass as cats
We all want to be big big stars,
but we got different reasons for that
Believe in me because I don’t believe in anything
and I want to be someone to believe

Ponicorn Speaks!

September 24, 2010

Hello there my darlings! As you may have noticed [] has changed a bit.

On my last post I told you I was about to operate a few changes on my blog, a change of direction, a change of topics, and just a change in general. This is it. It looks a bit more blue and it features a drawing I did of myself (Yes, I look like that, that is my haircut and all), I’m loving it! What do you guys think?

It’s not like I don’t want to let sequins into my life anymore, I still do, I still need this place to remind myself to stay positive, but all that ‘Letting sequins into my life’ was a big part in a change I needed to effectuate, and I did, I do every day, but I find myself needing more right now. I need to talk a bit more of the things I’m interested, my thoughts, what I read and watch, and I don’t want to bore everyone around me talking about the things that obsess me over and over again.

So I’m going to share it here, I hope you like it.

I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, but I really started to consider it after I wrote that When I grow up entry, I suddenly found myself thinking ‘You’re looking for a chance to express yourself and talk about the things you want to talk, but you already have it, it’s there, right in front of you and you just have to use it!’ So, here it is: [] is not changing, it’s just evolving.

That’s all my darlings, let me know what you think of all of this and stay around cause I’ll be speaking here very soon… And I do speak a lot.

Things I experienced this weekend

September 19, 2010

These last weeks have been hell: I have lots of homework, lots of things to do, exams, work, work, work, plans, plans, plans. And during all this time, I’ve learned and experienced a bit. Sharing time!

The picture above pretty much summarizes my week, in a very weird way, but still. It’s very  uncommon that I suddenly decide to share pictures of my real life and myself over the internet, so, just enjoy my lack of make up, my cat, my homework, my art projects, and my boyfriend’s ever lovely tattooed back.

Colorful skulls are fantastic! They take a hell lot of time to create (in my case from zero to the pictures you see up here it took about 3 weeks, Paper Machê, baby). Yes, they have tiny blue hearts on the sides, don’t judge me. 🙂

I can get extremely productive while listening to someone else speak. In this case it was Gala Darling‘s 10 (yes, all of them) Chapters of Love and Sequins, God how amazing they are!

I can’t cook at my mom’s kitchen. I think I’ve said something about it before, but still, I thought It might have been just my imagination, but no, no. I cook for myself, each and every single week at home, but whenever I am at my mom’s house, even though I buy the same ingredients, same brands, same everything, my meals taste funny, weird, too spicy, not spicy enough, sour, bitter, you name it. *sigh*

Vinci paint is not acrylic paint as I always thought it to be. Sad story behind my discovery, but still, I managed to succeed.

Cuitzilart‘s brother may be taking a class with me, which is funny cause I had never even met him, (even though he’s someone I actually kind of look up to) and the only one time we actually may have had the chance to meet I left a bit earlier and didn’t know he was going.

I sometimes need reminders as to why I do certain things and why I must behave in certain particular ways, it’s ok. I’m still human. I just need to redirect my focus.

I love my mom, really. It’s weird, really weird for me to say it here, since I know she may never read it, but still, I love you mom.

This week it’ll be a year since my boyfriend and I started dating. It’s been years (literally) since the last time I had an anniversary with anyone, and my relationship with the boy is not really like any I’ve had before (not even the previous time we dated) so, I’m a bit stressed over what to do. Should we celebrate? Should we not? Should I do something special? And if so, what? Should I give him something? How intricate our relationship can be! I’ll just let it flow and see what happens, I’m really excited. I can’t even remember being this in love with someone before.

I’m tired, I want to just curl up in bed, but as you can see on the picture above, my arms are covered in paint, so I also feel de desperate need to take a shower. I’ve been thinking about this website a lot in the last few weeks, I’ve actually had time to update but hadn’t really felt like doing so, Why? I don’t think I’m happy with the direction this blog has been taking over the past few months, I think that path doesn’t strike my fancy anymore and I think I’ll be changing the way things work very soon, I just wanted to let you know.

I guess I’ve let sequins into my life long enough to want something a bit different. We’ll see. You’ll see actually, but trust me, it’ll be good.

When I grow up…

September 4, 2010

A warrior bunny girl...

…I want to be:

  • A fashion curator for a website.
  • A Movie columnist for an indie paper/online magazine.
  • A freelance web designer.
  • A Pop-conceptual-video artist.
  • A lover, baby and a warrior.
  • A Rich girl, nanananananana… see, I’d have all the money in the world if I was a wealthy girl.

If you happen to be looking for someone to fill these positions, don’t be shy and drop me a note (except for the lover, baby and fighter, which I have to admit I already am, I just wanted to brag a bit). I’m in the hunt for new projects. Art projects, online projects, real life projects, I know about fashion, I can write about it. I know about movies, I can talk about it. I can web design, but still wanting to learn more. and Art is my life. So don’t hush away and contact me if you’d like to collaborate.

Oh, by the way, the boyfriend loved Interstella, I love how closer we get every day we spend together. I love that man.

In other news I’ll be attending to Lady GaGa’s Concert in May F-Yeah!!

Enough… 🙂

My sticky shoe

September 1, 2010

EDIT: I’m sorry to say so, but this entry doesn’t have anything to do with either Sticky shoes, or Friends. Well… Just a bit…

Today it’s the first time in a while I Feel like I have some free time, some conscious and self-acquired free time (As I actually have a lot of homework to do between today and monday, but I’m postponing it for tomorrow) and I’m kind of enjoying it by sitting on my bedroom, playing online and watching Friends with my cat. I’m starting to feel I won’t be meeting with my boyfriend this week, and I’m also starting to learn how to deal with uncertainty.

As I said earlier, I have a hell lot of homework, and to be honest, I have a particular one that I am actually digging to do: A 50 x 50 cm Ink drawing in color with Alice in Wonderland as if it would have been if she was mermaid. Lots of ideas in my head already, Magritte is there, as well as Fawn Gehweiler and Nicklodeon’s 90’s animation. I’m really inspired I just hope time works on my side for this I’ll start working on it on Friday.

Next time I meet the Boyfriend we will watch Interstella 5555. I never thought he could like it, but apparently he does, he likes both Daft Punk (I love their music) and the Interstella videos that became popular in media, but he has never seen the whole movie and I love showing things like this. I’ve seen the movie like 4 times and I love it, besides the music is really enjoyable.

Today, as part of my ‘day off’ thing I am going for a pizza with a friend and we’re watching another movie I have already seen ‘The dark knight’ I may be having a presentation about that movie very soon. I don’t even know when or how I got so into video analysis, video production and all that stuff, but I’m loving it.

Right now, I think I’m leaving, hope you enjoy the rest of your day as much as I am enjoying mine. I’m quite happy today.