Archive for March, 2010

This week I am…

March 13, 2010

… Knitting a scarf I will not give away for at least 8 more months (cause it’s not cold out there, sillies!)
… Finally reporting my ID as lost (after about 2 years of refusing to replace it cause I’m sure it’s somewhere in the house)
… Cooking for someone special
… Eating more RAW! Cause this week I feel super vigorized! Also, I am drinking more water and less soft drinks… I don’t even like soft drinks.
… Waking up earlier than I did this past week.
… Taking Puppy for a walk and taking lot’s of pictures of her being the cutie she is.

Yet, somehow there’s only one thing in my head…

The last few days have been good days. Actually pretty much the all the week has been really nice. Tuesday was the best day of all, the conversations I had that day were amazing. I went to the movies on Wednesday with my friends and we spent an afternoon watching anime and other things on my house the next day.

I am feeling very good right now. There’s just one more thing I gotta do.


Mama Candado

March 10, 2010

You are an amazing person. You make me shiver and ache and wonder… I can’t believe the things you do, I can’t believe all those little details.

I have to take a moment a breath, breath real deep, sigh, smile… and think again…

Kou is happy. Happier than I had been in a long long time, and believe me, I am a happy person who spends most of her time smiling, joking and trying to remain happy. But you? You make it even easier….

I am in love… I am.

Amino Love and Acid Kisses
