Archive for January, 2010 (and a little giveaway)

January 31, 2010

So I am right now part of I’ve loved that community for such a long time and today I received an invitation to join. I’ve spent the day surfing the pictures, users and hyping the things I like the most.

So, as a celebration I will be offering some invitations to the lovely [] readers. All you have  to do is state why you love fashion. You can either contact me here or send me an e-mail. Please, don’t forget to include your e-mail address. collective fashion consciousness.

So comment here or e-mail me, and you’ll get it :). This is for a very short time, I’ll announce when it’s over.

– Kou


January 19, 2010

Look, in my opinion the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what-have-you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. That’s the kind of person that’s worth sticking with.

-Mac Macguff

I love Juno. I just do.

It should even be included in the list of Stuff white people like, along with Mean Girls (if they’re not already). One of these days I’m going to write a bit of what I think of Mean Girls and why I love it.



EDIT to say Juno is actually on Stuff white People Like. I KNEW IT!

Paving my road

January 10, 2010

I normally don’t bring too personal issues here, and certainly I rarely complain here, but this time I think I need to vent a little.

I need to write this on my shoes

I am at this very moment, the victim of my own actions. I made a terrible decision a few days ago, and I don’t feel like handling the consequences right now.

During the last few days I’ve remembered the series of unfortunate events that lead me to create this blog, things I won’t get into right now. I’ve had this website for a little over a year and a half, but hadn’t done much with it until I decided to turn it into a blog, mainly to force myself to find new good and positive things to share with the world. That’s why you barely see any negativity here.

Pretty much  halfway through the year I realized I was living a life I didn’t want to live. Not so long ago I read somewhere that we can be both creators and destroyers in our lives. I was becoming a destroyer in mine, a dream-crusher, living a life of misery and sadness. Sinking deeper and deeper into something I consciously choose for myself. So I decided I would take control over the way I live and the things i allow in my life. As the picture above says ‘If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one‘ I started paving mine. And I started feeling a lot more positive about everything that was happening in my life.

Pretty much the last 6 months of my life was full of absolute bliss, absolute joy and love.

Today? I don’t really feel the love, and that is because I managed to immerse myself in something I don’t wanna be immerse. I have such great plans for 2010, there are a lot of things coming soon, and I hate to be suddenly carried away by things I choose, but I’m not enjoying as I thought I would. I get the feeling that I just took a leap back in time, and I firmly believe in always moving forward and never looking back. I think the only thing I can do is get over it.

I once read Malloreigh saying: ‘I found Money has a fun leaching effect.‘ And it’s true. I am feeling stressed out and bored as hell.

Take this as a life lesson, ponies. Don’t imitate me on this one.

Now, just to give a positive touch to this entry, here you have a video that always manages to cheer me up.  I am even dancing it right now.

That’s it, Now that I let everything flow out of my head, I’m feeling much better. I promise I’ll come back with something else soon. As a matter of fact, I’ll come back very soon with an article on Lady GaGa. On the meanwhile, enjoy the week!

– Kou