52 movies in 2011

This is a list of the 52 NEW movies I’m watching during 2011, and a sentence describing them with something that makes sense to me. NOTE: They may spoil you the movie, so read at your own risk.

  1. The wedding date. “Pretty woman” made into a handsome man mixed with betrayal and dysfunctional families’
  2. Lost in Translation. Forever Alone.
  3. The social network. My generation is no longer looking for a job. We’re inventing the jobs we want to have.
  4. El estudiante. I hate to admit it, but I was touched. Mostly because I can relate.
  5. The Princess and the Frog. Am the only one feeling a comeback to Disney’s Golden Era animation?
  6. The Bone Collector. It satisfied my serial killer thirst. It was pretty nice to see the beginning of Angelina Jolie’s short hair period.
  7. The secret window. I’m not comfortable watching this version of  Johnny Depp
  8. Equilibrium. I couldn’t stop thinking of  Soylent green
  9. Analyze That. I love this kind of comedy not really based on physical traits.
  10. Baby Mama. Tina Fey is so gorgeous. I love her paired with Amy Poehler. I normally hate dubbed movies, but in this one I loved it.
  11. Hereafter. I wouldn’t like to make any contact.
  12. Splice. Just too weird for me.
  13. Million Dollar Baby. I love my family.
  14. Black Swan. “Happiness is just a gash away”
  15. Crazy/Beautiful. I wanted to watch this movie for so long, and It really depressed me.
  16. The Caveman. All these memories from my childhood filling me up.
  17. The King’s Speech. I’d do Colin Firth anyday. He’s so humble in this movie.
  18. No strings attached. Sometimes I feel this is how my boyfriend and I started. Keep Bleeding, keep, keep bleeding, love.
  19. Morning Glory. It kind of reminded me of the time I worked as an AC
  20. Pink Flamingos. Will never, ever watch it again. Never.
  21. Sucker Punch. I don’t find it great, however, I love the title word game, as well as all the sexiness.
  22. Love and other impossible pursuits. I feel old and sad. 
  23. Red Riding Hood. This movie is pure sex to me. 
  24. Eclipse. I am in desperate need of romance. I hate to be on vacation. I want to kiss my boyfriend right now.
  25. Xmen: First Class. I just hate it. Nothing else. You ruined mystique for me.
  26. Casablanca. You must remember this: a kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. The fundamental things apply.
  27. Stranger than Fiction. I just loved this. Too much. I adored it. Magnificent.
  28. Easy A. This movie summarizes my thoughts on Slut-shamming. It’s nobody’s business. 
  29. Coraline. Extra points if you can spot the Magritte reference.
  30. Léon (The professional). What is it about Lolita complex that I adore? If you ever watch this, watch the extended version. 
  31. 500 days of Summer. The initial commentary is right: it’s not a love story. I kind of like it, but not that much.
  32. V for Vendetta. This made me think of a combination of people I know and love. I think of my boyfriend, and Gelial. I think of myself. I like the fact that if you follow the very movie’s premise that nothing is actually a coincidence, it is actually a pretty strong social criticism. I’m sure I’m not the first pointing this. I’m sure it’s evident. I just love the way it does not betray itself at the end.
  33. Source Code. I’m sorry, Mr. Jake Gyllenhaal, you’re pretty damn yummy, but you’ll never be as hot as your sister to me. I think Gelial would love this movie.
  34. They Live. I find late 80’s dark social criticism so funny.
  35. Children of the Corn. I’ve been wanting to watch this one for over a year. I am a bit obsessed with it, maybe it has something to do with my childhood. Not so great movie though, poorly acted. But still way better than the remake.
  36. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. I’m having troubles digesting this movie.

One Response to “52 movies in 2011”

  1. Books and Movies for 2011 « [RINGO-ISH.org] Ponicorn Speaks! Says:

    […] top of the right column you will find two links referring to 52 books in 2011 and 52 movies in 2011, check them constantly as I will be adding more and […]

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