Archive for March, 2011

March 29th

March 28, 2011

I wrote this on Tumblr a few minutes ago. And I mean it. Join if you want.

Best quote of the day

March 26, 2011

I was told years ago NEVER to have the I-Ching and the Tarot in the same house as they’re a different ministry of magic or something. But really, do modern pantheists really give a fuq about such things?

Mystic Medusa

I don’t consider myself a pantheist, I’ve considered myself a wiccan non-practicer believer for about 12 years. Yet, I feel I am all-inclusive in a way I can accept it all as being bridges to reach a particular state of spirituality…

This blog is not about my views on religion but somehow  this resonates on my mind

Love list for the pony-soul

March 20, 2011

I’ve been very hateful these past days. I was actually writing a very long rant about things I’ve been holding for a couple of weeks, things that are stopping me from finishing projects and pending work and from contacting other human beings.

I am having second thoughts about a lot of things. I wonder and worry, and I am pondering many options. I feel stressed out to the max. I may publish it, cause I need to get it out of my system. I may publish it somewhere else, not here.

Right now, I need to make a Love List cause I am feeling a bit neurotic.

A compilation of things I am loving about my life right now:

  • Taking Yoga classes. I am coping with a lot of issues here. It’s so liberating to be able to do it.
  • Grey nails. Grey is my favorite color, I could wear it every day, and having it on my nails cheers me up every time I look at them. This one goes along with wearing my toe nails red.
  • Noticing a very close friend looks a lot like Maggie Gyllenhaal when she’s relaxed.
  • The upcoming Luis Miguel concert in my city (don’t you dare judging me!).
  • My radio production class looking so promising.

Tokyo Jihen’s new video. I could straight up die right now.

  • The possibility of meeting Cygenta in about two weeks.
  • Being able to wear dresses I wasn’t able to wear about 4 weeks ago.
  • Finding out a loved one in Japan is safe and sound.
  • Making a triumphant come back to the SG world, just before I have to leave it for about ever.

  • Planning the Dinosaur Appreciation Day (While trying to remember the exact date my boyfriend and I celebrated it last year)
  • Listening to The dresden dolls like there’s no tomorrow
  • Remembering why Erika Moen is such a queen (in other words: re-reading DAR!)
  • Leonard Cohen. Leonard Cohen’s Dance me to the end of love to be precise.
  • Growing my hair.

  • Buying an amazing pair of boots.
  • Not owning a TV in my bedroom at my mom’s place.
  • First second anniversaries that mean the world. Having heart-felt conversations in the middle of the night and not sleeping until 5 am. Waking someone up.
  • Discovering I don’t suck so much at things I feel very self-conscious of.
  • Being unexpectedly complimented.
  • Holding high hopes on something I did a couple of weeks ago.

I’m having a hard time finding things that I love. Give me a couple of weeks.

How to drink tea, the Ponicorn way.

March 13, 2011

After last week’s post on how much I love tea, and tea becoming hipsters’ coffee and everything I started thinking a bit, lately, tea has become such a big deal in my life, it’s kind of eponymous of my current relationship, so having all of this in mind I felt a bit inspired to write this guide to drinking tea.

Why tea? I’m sure you can just type “Benefits of Tea” on Google and you’ll get a long list of awesome things that will happen to your body if you just start drinking tea. I won’t give you that. Yes, tea has a lot of antioxidants, has less caffeine than coffee and all that, but that is a given.

Let me tell you about my experience with tea.

I’ve been a tea drinker ever since I was a kid, both my parents are coffee drinkers and somehow didn’t want me to get the habit, so they made sure to always have a wide selection of tea herbs and bags at home, and I loved it so much, I never really go the hang of coffee, not even when I became a teenager and all of my friends wanted to go for a hot capu.

Coffee has always been bad for my body, I have to drink it with lots of cream and lots of sugar, it gives me headaches, makes me nauseous, shaky and I feel tired and sleepy after a while. I can drink it if I have to, but I hate the feeling so much, I prefer not to. Tea on the other hand, can either wake me up or help me sleep depending of what I’m having. I don’t need to drink it with cream at all, gives me lots of energy and I don’t feel it drop after a while.

“Lot’s of cream, lot’s of sugar” You and I, both, Mr. Wolfe

So, If you hadn’t yet, give it a try, it will give your metabolism a more natural boost.

To prepare tea, the Ponicorn way you will need:

  • Tea cups
  • Tea herbs
  • Kettle
  • Tea pot
  • Tea bags
  • Sugar
  • Cream
  • Infusers
  • Killer company

Mix and match the way you prefer it: You won’t need tea bags if you have tea herbs and infusers; you won’t need sugar and cream if you dislike their taste on your tea and so on.

  1. Boil your water, for this I use my tea kettle.
  2. While your water boils, prepare either your tea bags or infusers with tea herbs.
  3. Set your tea cups with tea deliciousness, pour the water let it sit for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Remove the tea implements, add sugar and cream if you like it that way.
  5. Add the killer company or a nice solo time, and enjoy.

Extra Tips for Tea Lovers and Beginners.

  • Know your preferences, know your tea – I love tea extra strong, with two bags or lots of herbs, but over the years I’ve learned that when I try a new brand of tea for the first time, I’d better go slow on it at first.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix – My boyfriend once mixed peppermint, apple and cinnamon and we loved it so much it became a regular.
  • Careful with Green tea – This is not very common, but it happened to me, so let me warn you: Some people can have a slight adverse reaction to green tea manifested in the form of a slight migraine, sometimes it varies depending on the brand you’re getting, sometimes your body gets used to it, but it’s really hard to know. My advice? Go Slow.
  • Don’t limit your tea intake to hot beverages. – The taste of your regular hot tea changes dramatically when you turn it into a cold drink. Then again, don’t fear the experience.
  • If you’re feeling frisky, you can do this:

I may write later about cool tea items to you can buy to make your tea drinking experience not only delicious but also visually appealing, but for now, you’re set to go. I hope you enjoyed reading my guide to tea drinking the Ponicorn way. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to have a nice cup of roses before going to bed.

Strawberry and vanilla kiss


March 6, 2011

It’s 5:50 in the morning, and I can’t sleep. I have this horrible migraine, this hell of a throat ache (Did I tell you it wasn’t the flu, but Laryngitis?) slight fever, oh! and the hiccups.

I am drinking tea, since tea is the new coffee. About 10 minutes ago, while I was preparing it, I realized it became hipster somehow. But anyways, I’ve always liked tea, even before it was cool to drink it (See? I can be hipster too) I like it strong with lots of sugar, and I prefer to drink it at home, not in social gatherings, coffee is for making a good impression on others. Unless it’s Chai tea, but that’s a whole other story.

Last year my boyfriend gifted me with a bag of herbs and stuff to prepare Chai tea at home. I rarely drink it because it’s too special and I save it for equally special moments, like when I’m alone and once with him.

I just heard about 4 Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes while I was hiding under the bed, thinking it may help me sleep (not at all). I missed Buffy like hell, now that was a good show. It bring me memories from when I was in junior high and first getting into all that wicca stuff (yes, I’m a practicer and I’ve been for about 12 years, do your homework kids), and Willow was just so fantastic and so misleading. I adored her, she was obviously my favorite character.

I’m starting to give up hope on sleeping right now, even though the tea is working wonders on my headache, I still feel all shaky and kind of depressed to be honest. I have so much to do, and I’ve been hating to stay in front of the computer for long periods of time. My head and my eyes just can’t stand it.

Lately, the magic and wonders of this self-imposed exile I’ve been going through has been rubbing off a bit, yet I don’t feel good enough to face the world. I just want to go low profile for a while more. I need to think about a lot of things. Fernando has been such a great support ever since this whole thing started, I couldn’t possibly ask for a more perfect boyfriend. He makes me swoon, literally. I think I’ll take a couple of more weeks and then I’ll go back to the world.

To be really honest with you, I feel so full of memories, I can’t stand them. Some how I feel the same sadness and abandonment I felt about 10 years ago when I was living in Ciudad Juarez. I can’t make it right, and I need to wash it off, but first I need to finish my laryngitis meds, cause all of these are side effects from them. Gosh, I wish I could at least prevent the tummy ache that kills me about 20 minutes after I have them.

But anyway, I’m going to go give dreams a try again, we’ll see how it works, who knows, I may fall asleep.

Your abnormally pessimist,