Archive for August, 2009

Today’s outfit

August 31, 2009

This is pretty much what i was supposed to wear today, but since today it became ‘Pijama Day’ I guess i will wear it tomorrow.

Aminoacido Aug 31st. 2009

(Product Information)
Now that i say that, I am actually thinkng about setting a Pijama Day, twice a year. Wouldn’t it be awesome? I am  already thinking of some new invented celebrations to set on my calendar, and some stolen ones as well (not really stolen, but things i would love to celebrate and other people is celebrating , like International Dress-up day)

Anyway, I don’t have much to share right now, I am actually just trying Polyvore out :P. Expect more outfits to come in the near future, specially since Personal Independece Day is coming so soon. I’ll keep you posted on ways to celebrate your Personal Independence :). I already have some ideas  jumping in my head.

Amino Love and Acid Kisses
– Kou

The magnificence

August 27, 2009

This year is meant to be magical. I swear.
It’s not like i am expecting anything out of order to happen, but, I am more than happy with the way it’s working out so far…

Well,well, updates, that’s what we want.

Just about yesterday, i received a ‘Crowning your beautiful life’ tank top somebody was nice enough to buy me. It’s the cutest, and softest tank top ever. Picture for reference, Isn’t Gala the most amazing doll ever?

Gala Darling

Gala Darling

Also, I just learned my really good friend Adjani (Founder of Elespejismo) is coming to Guanajuato during the FIC (in October), with this i’ll have two friends (maybe three if Bellica decides to come) visiting around the same time, including the super awesome Gelial. That’s great!! I love having people around in town.

School is super dandy, my friends are the coolest and life is amazing. I’m rediscovering the person i am, and i’m loving it, I keep this wall on my bedroom full of post-its with quotes, lyrics, messages and memories. I need to remain positive all the time. So far, so great.

Well, i’ve been asked a lot about this new thing with my life, about why am i talking about my clothes so much what is that thing about letting sequins into my life. I’m not trying to look vain, but i think i will get a little bit deeper into that on the next post.

That’s all right now people, I have to run cause my painting class starts in about 30 and I’m walking, so i’d better go.
I’ll be back soon people, i have a lot of things to tell.




August 24, 2009

If you don’t feel that you are possibly on the edge of humiliating yourself, of losing control of the whole thing, then probably what you are doing isn’t very vital. If you don’t feel like you are writing somewhat over your head, why do it? If you don’t have some doubt of your authority to tell this story, then you are not trying to tell enough.

– John Irving

:)… Cheering myself up…


August 22, 2009


This thing you see up here is my current desktop. I’m not taking the full picture of it, but you get the idea, a lot of words, actually taken from the About me Section you can find here. And also, including my new motto ‘Letting sequins into my life’ which summarizes a lot of changes i’m implementing into my life. This is pretty much my Manifesto, So i’ll keep it on my desktop, to be reminded. Anyway…

Today we had quite an interesting class on School, we had to make an exposition about whatever we’ve done in the past (or are doing right now). I think everyone who presented their expositions today, found it very insightful. I got to learn a lot of things about myself, and i guess it’s the first time i can actually say I feel like i have a purpose.

I never really got to analize what i do, or why am i doing it, until now, and i feel like everything is a little bit more clear at this point. I feel in a moment in which i think i have the right to experiment. I’m not the best at drawing, but who cares?, My painting may not be the best, but hey!, I learned a lot from Rosa! My Photography may need a lot of work, but, so far, i’m really proud of what i’ve done. I Feel good today, and I think all of us left the class feeling the same way about ourselves.

Not much to say about to day, except that it was a great day.Oh, and mysteriously, my house remains clean…
Great acomplishments this week.

Oh, before i forget, I’m not sure if i have mentioned this before, but now you can read what’s coming next in my life if you click to ‘Coming Next’ right under the ‘About me’ section. So, if you ever feel curious about what’s coming in my life, you can go there and check.

Letting sequins into my Life

Kou ❤

Build me up, Buttercup…

August 21, 2009

Somedays, i just feel like i’m not good for anyone…
Bad weed syndrome i guess…

I miss you so damn much…