Archive for September, 2009

Your bookshelf

September 27, 2009
One of my many bookshelves

One of my many bookshelves

This has been a really long and unproductive weekend, I still have a free Monday ahead and i get to spend it in Leon, with all the things i have pending in Guanajuato, so, well, i just suddenly felt really inspired and decided to take some pictures (You can keep track of all of this non-stop silliness through twitter). This one you have here is one of the many bookshelves i have here and there, this one in particular is at my mother’s place.

A few days ago I had a friend visiting my tiny bitty house in Guanajuato, and for some reason we ended up in my kitchen, which (quite conveniently) is full of books and art supplies. I normally don’t pay any attention to them, I mean, they are there and i love them, but i get to see them every single day, so i’m more than used to them, however, sometimes i forget it’s not common to have that amount of books in one’s kitchen (they are a lot, believe me, shelves and shelves full of books).

He immediately went and check them out, and started talking about how great some of them were, all that russian classic literature, all the naturalism, the modernism, latin american boom and more. To be quite honest, these are books my mom and dad gathered together when they were younger and I was a baby, so I hadn’t even read half the books I have, so I got really surprised to noticed I have some of the books I’ve been wanting to buy for ages and even some repeated ones, like a really old edition of The unbearable lightness of being, and one i got from a friend about 5 months ago, and a Lolita edition I’ve been wanting for quite a while (duh!).



This very morning, I had a really small conversation with @peremartinez about the books I normally read, and some recommendations, which got me thinking: It’s been a while since i don’t read anything that really strikes my fancy, I mean, I just finished reading The Twilight Saga —but I wouldn’t call that my regular kind of books, as i stated before, I started reading them out of curiosity, but ended up liking the story, but i digress,  and right now I submerged on reading Lolita, but still, I’m looking for more.

So, I thought: Why don’t you guys tell me what’s on your Favorite Bookshelf? I love biographies, novels, and poetry. I enjoy from Almudena Grandes to Jane Austen, so i’m sure i will enjoy pretty much whatever your suggestion is. Leave a comment here or send me an email with your weapon of choice, tell me what really makes you shiver down your spine. What makes you feel passionate while reading? What do you consider an unvaluable piece of literature none should be allowed to walk on the streets without reading? For me it’s The unbearable lightness of being by Milan Kundera, I cannot stress enough how importat that book has been for me and the impact it’s had in my life (there you have my very own suggestion).

I promise I’ll read as many of your books as I can!

Amino Love and Acid Kisses

– Kou


September 24, 2009

Walk, Talk, Kick ass, Learn to speak Arabic, Love Music, and Never forget that you come from a Long Line of Truth Seekers, Lovers and Warriors

– Hunter S. Thompson

My school is covered with this quote redirecting to [] At least, that way, people will know my message is positive without even coming here.

I am enjoying every single beat of good vibe coming my way. I am enjoying it and loving it. I wish it would never stop. I am having random weird thought, but I am not paying any attention to them, I just love this moment and every single little thing related to it. I am even indulging myself in something delightful.

Taking a Leap of Faith, i would say.


– Kou

The vampires…

September 21, 2009
I do have a sense of humor

I do have a sense of humor

Ok, As I told you on my last post, I just finished reading The Twilight Saga. I know, I know pretty much everyone has an opinion already formed on this matter, But please, read what i have to say before you immediately judge the story.

I stared reading Twilight about a week and a half ago, I was really sick at home and honestly bored  after watching Phineas and Ferb for hours non-stop, I adore Phineas and Ferb, but after a while of singing the same songs, it can get a little boring. So I thought, Why not give it a chance? I Hate to judge something just based on other people’s opinions, i always DEMAND to experience something myself before I can give you a piece of my mind, So that’s what i did with this.

I’ve already watched the first movie, and liked it as a romantic story, but being a hardcore Anne Rice fan, I found it extremely silly to fit my vampire standards, I won’t say i’ve changed my mind right now, cause i would never compare Edward Cullen to Lestat de Lioncourt, they belong to different worlds, but in my mind i realized they can co-exist.

(Expand if you don’t mind to read some spoilers.)


Not like I actually have something to say…

September 19, 2009
Digital Silliness

Digital Silliness

Wow, I took a brief vacation from Internet.What did I do during this time? Well, Read. Yup, i’ve been reading these past week and a half, and to be precise, i’ve been reading the Twilight saga. I’m About to finish the last book (Breaking Dawn). I already have some things i want to say about the Whole saga, but let’ wait for my next post. I swear you won’t be disappointed.

Anyway. So A  lot of things are happening in my life right now, So far, all of my September Holidays are over, And I have to tell you, September has been a month to remember. I’ve been watching a lof of Cartoons, A lot of SuicideGirls, Stimulating conversations, new clothes, new shoes, Art, Art, Art…  And a Daring girl, willing to try it all out.

And one more thing: I think I’m starting to fall in love.

I don’t want to get excited, cause at this point, I’m sure i can easily and painless fall out of love,  but still, the perspectives and the mere idea that my heart is not as cold as I thought it was, is refreshing, I think that’s what i’m liking the most about this. Anyway, i’m not really planning on doing anything, He’s in love with someone else, so i’m sure it will go away… But God, I want to kiss him so bad!

I’ve been thinking about getting a new tattoo. Expo Tattoo will be on Oct 3rd and since I adore The Little Mermaid so much I may get a Little Mermaid tattoo. Who knows? 😛 I may be showing you pics soon, but i can’t promise anything.

For the Last 6 months I’ve been working on a project, I call it ‘Doing the impossible’, I gotta tell you that the last month has been the hardest, but the most productive ones, I’ll tell you more of this on the following posts, and as soon as it’s over, I’ll post pictures of the final product. I’m really happy, tomorrow I am going to do something huge related to this. It really really makes me happy.

So, that’s all for now people, I’ll be posting more as soon as I finish with Breaking Dawn, Oh, and i sure have something to say about it. Also, be sure to check the new links i added to my list, Some are really breathtaking




September 8, 2009

When this many eyes search for something with such dissection
It means probing down into each other with such a multitude of words
Right and wrong, black and white

Where should I go?
Can I trust you?
Will you love me?
Just who am I?
It’s just that I’m scared, and there’s nothing I can do about it…

When there are this many eyes around me pampering and flattering me
I’ve gotta be quick to catch the signs and see through them
In love, inferiority, numbers, levels

Should I be here?
Who is real?
Do you want money?
Just who am I?
Where should I go?
Can I trust you?
Will you love me?
Just who am I?
It’s just that there’s nothing ahead and there’s no now either…


I am AminoKou; The Ponicorn Princess;  Shoujo Kakumei Aminoacido; Tomie Kourai Jigokusei. That’s me…

I am a happy person, I am in love with my life. I’m full, I smile and breath with a passion. I hold my very own heart with  both of my hands and I raise it up my head.

…tadashii toka machigai toka…