Posts Tagged ‘self-indulgent’

5 self-indulgent things (Day 1)

November 7, 2010

Devoted to remind myself life is awesome, I have decided to cover a month (or just a while) of daily fives. So here you have the first

5 awesome clothes and accessories I am dying to get

  1. Gala Darling’s Birthday Girl shoes – Seriously people, there’s something about these shoes that make me want to wear them all the time, on a city that is not made for high-heeled usage. They’re only $100 and the woman designed them!
  2. Do you know what would look killer with those shoes? These Ski Lift Tunic on Chalet, only $50! One of the things I love the most about ModClothes are the dresses. Cutest ever.
  3. I am a garter user and I just can’t lie. But really, Garters and garter belts are so amazing to incorporate in a girl’s wardrobe, specially if you wear them as everyday items and knock the cheap porno stereotype. One of the most original ones are from Sock Dreams. I love them! Yes, I know!
  4. Black Leather gloves. Nothing else to say.
  5. And Last but not least: I want a Kitten!

I want you, babe!

Ok, ok, I know it’s not a clothing Item, but lately I think my Katamari is feeling lonely and wants a playing partner. I’m thinking of getting a new baby so they can keep each other’s company while I’m not there. Besides, My boyfriend has 4 kittens, not counting Katamari (whom we share) and he tells me all these amazing stories about his kittens playing together and stuff, he’s even looking to get a new baby (shh, I’m going to get him one for his birthday!!) so I got this itch and I may be scratching it soon.

That’s it. 5 self-indulgent things to remind me life is awesome.

Love and kisses,